By Tim Schumacher (@TimSchu)
How does Hamburg score when it comes to start ups?
To find out I used Mattermark, an awesome big data tool for private companies. I started using Mattermark a few weeks ago, when looking at my home town of Cologne. Then, I used it again a few weeks after with Berlin because it got so interesting. And now, it’s gotten to be a hobby. One that I would like to share with you.
Mattermark is a big data tool that puts all kinds of indicators (web traffic, social media presence, mobile downloads, etc) together into their so called 'Mindshare Score' (MS) which helps to quickly identify companies whose online footprint is growing the fastest. It is measured on a weekly basis and averaged over time to provide a trending metric. Mattermark is used by lots of (U.S.) VCs, so it's definitely worth looking at.
Have a look and tell me what you think afterwards. I always want to hear your opinion!

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